Happy Mother’s Day


“Mom, I wish you were a fishstick because then I could eat you!”

I guess that’s her way of saying “Happy Mother’s Day.”

17 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. Do you ever read the comments or do you just blog to purge? I am not a blogger. Sometimes I wonder, Why? So this is your daughter? very cute. You are funny. I found this website looking for a cure for my almost four year old son’s irrational crying. I had three in three years and now that I can stand back a bit and observe, I am terrified. I am a high school teacher by trade – but not working the easy job this year. This year, it’s me and my three. Thank GOd it is almost summer! Thank God, because he gets me through each day.


  2. What a cutie! I’m sure that is the best way she knows how to tell you how much she loves you.

    Hope you had a happy mother’s day!


  3. What an adorable little girl! I guess she loves fishsticks, huh? How cute! I love kids when they’re just being kids.


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